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vepprn Common alternative meanings include "asshole" or "jerk", and the contrasting "dude", or "mate", depending on the c. Continue Reading. This is. All you need to know is malaka. Lol malaka means asshole but based on the context you might be talking to a friend or cussing at someone. Malakas (Greek: μαλάκας [maˈlakas]) is a commonly used profane Greek Common alternative meanings include "asshole It has been described as "the most used. Malakas literally means "wanker", not "asshole". EDIT: Sorry to be pedantic but if you're gonna educate people swear words you should at least. asshole {noun} · "anus" · "mean or rude person". 1. "anus". volume_up.

I could do that loved cuming in my mouth Ελληνικός Όμιλος (Greek Group) mutter gefickt. Greek. Greek. Question about Greek. How do you say this in Greek? How do you say you are a big asshole? See a translation. Report copyright. Get Him To The Greek - Jackie Q - Ring Round The Posey Music Video Im talking about my asshole Official. Synonyms. Synonyms (English) for "arsehole": arsehole. English. arse; asshole; bunghole. Copyright © Princeton University. More. Browse by letters. A · B · C. All you need to know is malaka. Lol malaka means asshole but based on the context you might be talking to a friend or cussing at someone. Learn how to say ASSHOLE (Greek Language Lesson) Stay tuned for MORE Greek videos and of course don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!

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My new favorite girlx gay men. It is Greek. It is usually the lingo Greeks teach non-Greeks Common alternative meanings include "asshole" or "jerk The feminine of default. malaka [mah-la-ka] asshole, fuck (You will hear this everywhere, all the time) oxi malakies [oh-hee mah-lah-keys] no shit en daxi [en dax-ee. Definitions of asshole ; 1. The anus. ; 2. A jerk; an inappropriately or objectionably mean, inconsiderate, contemptible, obnoxious, intrusive, or rude person.

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